Wisconsin Paraquat Lawsuit Lawyers
Paraquat can devastate the people exposed to it, and in Wisconsin, agricultural workers are at high risk. If you or a loved one has been exposed to Paraquat and suffered negative health effects including Parkinson’s disease, you may recover compensation for your injuries.
Contact the Wisconsin Paraquat injury lawyers at Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers to learn more.
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The Risks of Paraquat Exposure in Wisconsin

Although the main agricultural commodity in Wisconsin is dairy, the state also grows a lot of corn and soybeans. Corn and soybeans contribute millions of dollars each year to Wisconsin’s agricultural economy and farmers are under pressure to keep their crops in tip-top shape and avoid losses to weeds and invasive grasses. Paraquat is a common herbicide farmers use to protect their crops. Farmers routinely spray it on corn, soybeans, and other vegetables to kill weeds that have become resistant to other herbicides from taking over.
Farmers, farmhands, and other agricultural workers are at risk of Paraquat exposure in Wisconsin, especially if they work in or near crops where farmers use the product. Farmers most commonly spray paraquat on crops in liquid form. If a person touches, inhales, or swallows this chemical herbicide it can cause serious and immediate health issues at high concentrations. Repeated exposure at lower concentrations can also cause severe, chronic health effects.
The Dangers of Paraquat

Paraquat is highly toxic and can be lethal to humans. Unfortunately, farmworkers may be unaware of the dangers posed by this substance or may be unaware they are handling crops that farmers treated with this chemical. Since 2016, the EPA enacted regulations that require licenses for farmers who wish to use Paraquat. While this has reduced the number of individuals who are exposed to the chemical during its application, many farmworkers were already harmed by it.
The individuals at the highest risk of Paraquat poisoning are the people who apply the chemical to the crops. However, other workers in the vicinity during spraying or who handle crops shortly after a Paraquat application are also at elevated risk of injury due to Paraquat exposure.
The Most Common Paraquat-Related Injuries
Paraquat exposure can lead to acute poisoning, which can be fatal if left untreated. Paraquat affects the major organs, which can result not only in permanent organ damage but can also lead to future illness. While no antidote can counter Paraquat poisoning, some medical interventions can prevent further damage and improve a person’s chances of survival.
Parkinson’s Disease and Paraquat

Of particular concern is the link between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s disease. Individuals who are repeatedly exposed to Paraquat are more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than the general public. Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating neurological illness that can affect a person’s overall motor function. It can also shorten a person’s lifespan and has major effects on their quality of life as the disease progresses. Ultimately, individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease often lose their ability to care for themselves, walk, and communicate.
Individuals who develop Parkinson’s disease because of their exposure to Paraquat face both personal losses and the need for extensive lifelong medical care. The costs of care can be burdensome and often place a strain on the victim and their family. If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after using or being exposed to Paraquat in your work, you may be entitled to compensation under the law.
How Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers Can Help You If You Were Injured by Paraquat
Paraquat exposure can affect your ability to function and enjoy your life. Our team of lawyers wants to help you fight for your rights and seek the compensation you will need for your medical and personal care now and in the future. A Paraquat lawsuit attorney can offer many services to help you fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

A Wisconsin Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney Can Evaluate Your Case
If you decide to work with an attorney, the first thing they will do is evaluate the facts of your case and your injuries. Most Wisconsin Paraquat injury attorneys will offer a free initial case evaluation for this purpose. The attorney will take the time to discuss with you how and when you believe you were exposed to Paraquat and the effects that exposure has had on your life and health.
To pursue compensation, you must show the injuries and effects of Paraquat exposure on your life. The more significant the impacts on your life, health, and abilities, the more compensation you may recover. A Wisconsin Defective Product Lawyer can take a close look at your case, your injuries, and your exposure to this toxic substance and let you know how strong your case for recovery is.
A Wisconsin Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney Can Help You Gather Evidence
If, after the initial case evaluation, the attorney thinks you have a strong case and you decide you feel comfortable working with that attorney, the attorney will get to work gathering evidence about your exposure to Paraquat.
The reality is that the manufacturers of this dangerous product do not want to compensate people for the harm they have caused and will do everything in their power to fight any claim against them. A lawyer has the resources and knowledge to investigate and discover the best evidence that may be available in your case.
Evidence in a Paraquat injury claim or lawsuit can include medical records, employment records, witness statements, company records, physical evidence, your statements, photographs, videos, expert opinions, and any other information that can show the link between your exposure to Paraquat and the injuries you suffered.
Your attorney will also have to try to demonstrate that the relevant Paraquat manufacturers knew about the potential risk of selling this inherently dangerous herbicide.
In many cases, victims of Paraquat injuries may not realize they were affected by Paraquat until long after their exposure. This can mean that the relevant evidence is not readily available, and you will need an attorney’s help to dig up old records from your employers and the Paraquat manufacturers.
An Attorney Can Identify Who May Be Liable for Your Injuries
Paraquat cases are complex. Figuring out who is primarily responsible for your injuries may not be easy. In the U.S., multiple companies manufacture and sell Paraquat as part of their herbicide lineup. A Paraquat lawsuit lawyer can determine what brand of Paraquat you were exposed to and which company manufactured that product.
Different products sold by several manufacturers may have exposed an agricultural worker to Paraquat over extended periods. These types of cases are even more complex as more than one manufacturer might be liable for damages.
A lawyer will work diligently with you to uncover the relevant evidence and identify every potentially liable party in your case. You must file a claim or lawsuit against the correct parties to have a good chance of recovering the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
An Attorney Can Accurately Calculate Your Damages
Paraquat exposure can lead to lifelong effects on your health and overall wellbeing. Your attorney will not only look at the effects Paraquat had on your health up until now, but they will also consider the future impacts your exposure will have on your life going forward. No two victims of Paraquat have the same experience, and the details of your situation will determine the amount of compensation you may ultimately recover.
A personal injury attorney understands the nuances of putting together a strong claim for damages in a Paraquat exposure case. Your attorney will diligently calculate the damages you have suffered and estimate your future damages with the help of your medical records and expert testimony, if necessary. Your lawyer’s goal is to seek the maximum compensation available to you under the law against the responsible parties.
A Wisconsin Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney Can Negotiate a Settlement or File a Lawsuit

Your attorney will keep your best interests in mind throughout the process of a claim or lawsuit. Ultimately, your lawyer’s goal is to resolve your claim as quickly as possible and for the maximum compensation they can seek for you. In most cases, claims settle outside of court. However, in some instances, you may need to file a lawsuit and proceed with a trial against the at-fault parties. In some cases, your attorney may suggest that you join what some people refer to as a class-action lawsuit with other plaintiffs against a Paraquat manufacturer or you may need to enter multi-district litigation. While going to court can extend the length of time it takes to reach a positive resolution in your case, rest assured that we will protect your rights throughout the process.
Our attorneys at Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers understand and can represent you in any situation involving paraquat, whether it involves settlement negotiations or trial. You can trust us with your claim.
The sooner you get in touch with our Wisconsin Paraquat injury attorneys, the more likely your claim will succeed. A time limit, the statute of limitations, sets a deadline by which an injured person must file a lawsuit against the party that caused their injury. In Wisconsin, the deadline is usually three years from the injury. However, a court can grant an exception when an individual did not know about the effects of their injury until later, as is often the case after Paraquat exposure. It is vital to contact our Wisconsin Paraquat lawsuit attorneys at (715) 226-6288 as soon as you believe Paraquat exposure injured you or a loved one.
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