Parents are always concerned about the well-being of their children. In fact, many aspects of everyday life present danger to children, so parents take precautions to keep their kids safe.
A recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association may come as a shock to many readers. According to the organization, car accidents are the number one cause of death among children. Safety officials link this statistic to the reality that many children are improperly restrained while riding in motorized vehicles.
Safety advocates indicate that many child seats aren't properly installed in vehicles. Design differences among vehicles further complicates this issue. As such, parents should take extra care to ensure safety seats are properly installed and children use the seats until they meet requirements to use a normal seat.
Even though properly restraining small children is important for safety, the fact remains that many motor vehicle accidents are caused by the negligence of other drivers on the road. Knowing this, it may be important to understand what legal options exist after a fatal car crash.
In addition to at-fault drivers, it may be possible to pursue compensation from other parties. For example, if a car seat manufacturer doesn't provide proper safety guidelines or installation instructions, they could also be considered negligent.
Unfortunately, many lives are taken too early on Wisconsin roads every year. The hope, of course, is that efforts to promote safety will reduce the number of car accidents, yet it's important for drivers to remember their responsibility to driver with care every time they get behind the wheel.
Source: WQOW News, "Car crashes number one killer of kids," Michael Crusan, Sept. 18, 2013