What to Do After a Truck Accident

What to Do After a Truck Accident
What to Do After a Truck Accident

Commercial truck accidents often lead to severe physical, emotional, and financial hardships. These collisions are much more destructive than regular car accidents and cause unique challenges when navigating the legal system.

You can make your truck-related accident claim more manageable by hiring a skilled truck accident lawyer. An attorney who understands how to handle a truck accident case can make a substantial difference in recovering fair compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and other damages.

The claims process after a truck accident is more complicated than a regular car accident due to several unique factors, including the serious injuries these accidents cause and how the trucking industry operates. Pursuing compensation after a truck accident is often more difficult for the following reasons:

More Dangerous Collisions

Trucks are significantly larger and heavier than the typical passenger car, meaning collisions can be extremely dangerous for the smaller vehicle's occupants.

The legal stakes after a truck accident are high for the following reasons:

  • Severe physical injuries: The immense force in a truck collision can cause catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, that require a lifetime of care.
  • Emotional trauma: The scale and violence of a truck accident can lead to long-lasting emotional scars, including post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Financial burden: Being in a truck accident can cause significant financial strain for you and your family, especially in cases of long-term or permanent disability.

Investigating and litigating these kinds of cases can be difficult for the following reasons:

  • Multiple parties involved: Several parties might often be responsible for a truck accident, including the driver, trucking company, truck's cargo loader, or vehicle manufacturer, each of which may have an insurer. Shared liability can lead to intricate legal procedures to determine who is responsible and how to assign blame.
  • Special regulations: Truck drivers and companies must adhere to federal and state safety regulations, such as limiting the number of hours drivers can be on the road to prevent fatigue-related tragedies. Violating these regulations is often a key cause of accidents, but uncovering evidence of this requires an in-depth investigation.

Due to the significant damages from a severe truck-related accident, trucking companies and their insurers often go to great lengths to minimize liability. They have vast legal resources and employ aggressive tactics, making it harder for you to pursue compensation.

For example, they might try to intimidate you into accepting low settlement offers before you understand the full extent of your rights and damages.

These complexities underscore the importance of taking the right steps after a truck accident and hiring an experienced truck accident attorney to protect your legal rights. 

How to Strengthen Your Claim for Compensation After a Truck Accident

Victims without a well-prepared truck accident claim can leave with inadequate compensation or a complete denial.

You need a lawyer who recognizes common mistakes that can undermine your claim and steer clear of them.

Here's how you can strengthen your claim for compensation after a truck accident:

Get Immediate, Consistent Medical Treatment

Beyond the obvious importance of treating your injuries, getting proper medical care has significant legal implications. Your medical records serve as crucial evidence throughout the claims process.

For example, they:

  • Document your injuries: A medical professional's assessment is the official documentation of your injuries, which is critical evidence when pursuing compensation. Seeking immediate medical attention helps link your injuries directly to the accident, preventing insurers from arguing that they were pre-existing or unrelated.
  • Demonstrate the severity of your injuries: A defending party can use any perceived negligence toward your health against you during the claims process to undermine the severity of your injuries. Having a documented history of timely medical attention, following your healthcare provider's recommendations, and attending all follow-up appointments shows that you took reasonable steps to mitigate your injuries. 

Avoiding, delaying, or being inconsistent with medical care can significantly weaken your claim.

Keep Track of All Your Damages From the Accident

An organized and comprehensive record of all damages can paint a clear picture of the accident's full effect on your life, strengthening your compensation case.

Keep a meticulous record of all your damages from the accident, which can include:

  • Medical bills: Such bills include expenses for initial treatment, ongoing therapy, medication, and anticipated future medical needs.
  • Property damage records: These records include receipts and quotes related to repairing or replacing your vehicle or other damaged property.
  • A pain journal: A pain journal is a written record of the effects of the accident on your daily life and emotional well-being, including any physical pain or mental struggles you experience and any limitations on specific activities. This documentation humanizes your claim, shows the extent of the effect of the accident on your life, and supports a claim for noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering.

This comprehensive evidence makes it more difficult for opposing parties to dispute the extent of your damages.

Avoid Discussing the Accident on Social Media

It is natural to want to share your significant recovery events with friends and family on social media; however, doing so can backfire. Insurance companies and their attorneys will scour your online profiles, looking for any statements or photos they can use against you.

An insurer can twist a seemingly innocent comment about feeling okay to undermine the seriousness of your injuries. Avoid posting anything about the accident online and ask your close friends and family to do the same.  

Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer

Choosing a lawyer with relevant experience in handling truck accident claims can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case, leveling the playing field against the well-paid legal teams on the opposing side.

A skilled truck accident attorney familiar with the nuances of these cases will understand the evidence needed to strengthen your claim and how to present it effectively.

Don't Accept the First Settlement Offer From Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often offer a quick settlement offer soon after a truck accident, which is usually in their best interest rather than yours:

  • Lowball offers: You might want to accept the initial offer and move on with your life, but such offers are typically much lower than your rightful compensation. Insurers will try to settle the claim for as little as possible soon after the crash when you might not yet know the long-term consequences of your injuries.
  • Waiving future claims: Accepting an offer would mean forfeiting the right to pursue additional compensation later, even if your injuries are more severe than you first thought.

Before accepting any offer, speak to an experienced attorney who can evaluate whether it truly reflects the extent of your damages and negotiate on your behalf if necessary.

These steps can help you build a strong foundation for your case, giving you the best chance to receive fair compensation for the harm you have suffered, whether by negotiating a settlement or succeeding in a court trial.  

How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You

The road to recovery after a truck accident can involve physical and emotional trauma, major financial burdens, and an intimidating legal process. From investigating the circumstances of the crash to negotiating with insurers, the right legal guidance can secure the compensation you need to rebuild your life.

An experienced truck accident lawyer can provide essential services while navigating the legal system as effectively as possible:

Establishing Fault and Liability  

Identifying fault in a truck accident is the first step toward holding someone legally responsible, but it is not a simple process. Each case is unique, and you will likely need a skilled lawyer to conduct a detailed investigation and establish fault persuasively.

A truck accident lawyer can prove liability by:

  • Investigating the crash site: They can gather evidence from the crash site, such as photographs, videos, and witness statements.
  • Reviewing truck logs and maintenance records: They can investigate whether the driver or company violated any regulations relevant to the causes of the accident.
  • Consulting with specialists: They may hire experts in accident reconstruction to analyze the accident's dynamics and provide testimony to support your case.

A lawyer familiar with litigating these kinds of cases brings a depth of knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the trucking industry, such as federal mandates on truck maintenance and driver rest periods, which can establish negligence.

Providing Guidance and Support Every Step of the Way

The legal process after a serious truck accident involves complex legal terms, procedures, and an overwhelming number of decisions. From taking care of the paperwork to handling communications with insurance companies, your lawyer can navigate the legal system on your behalf.

The right attorney can also provide much-needed emotional support during an extremely stressful time. They can answer your questions, ensure you know what to expect at each stage, and provide peace of mind by handling your case professionally.

Negotiating for Fair Compensation

Large trucking companies and their insurers have vast legal teams working to minimize their liability, which can make settlement negotiations a battle.

An experienced truck accident lawyer knows how to combat these tactics effectively by:

  • Evaluating the full extent of damages: The first step is to accurately determine the full extent of your damages, both economic (including medical bills and lost income) and noneconomic (such as pain and suffering). A skilled attorney considers the long-term effects of your injuries, potential future medical costs, and other factors that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Negotiating aggressively with insurers: Strong negotiation relies on solid evidence. A truck accident attorney can present a persuasive case for fair compensation by leveraging medical records, accident reports, and specialist testimony. They can determine the value of your claim and negotiate assertively to maximize your compensation.
  • Preparing for trial (if necessary): If the insurer is unwilling to offer a fair settlement, your attorney should prepare to take the case to court. The mere threat of litigation can sometimes motivate insurers to make a more reasonable offer.
Russell Nicolet - Managing Attorney at Nicolet Law
Russell Nicolet, Truck Accident Attorney

Commercial truck accidents require specific legal knowledge, resources, and skills. Understanding the unique challenges these cases present and taking the right steps in the aftermath can bring you a fair settlement.

Truck accident cases are time-sensitive, and delaying the legal process can ultimately leave you unable to file a claim. If you or a loved one was the victim of a truck accident, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately.