In most cases parents and guardians want to do everything they can to keep their children safe. As a result, while with their kids most spend a lot of time trying to anticipate issues that could arise and keep them safe. Once children reach a certain age however, that is not practical and parents need to make sure their kids know how to act in certain situations.
One situation where this could concerns crossing the street.
As is the case in many situations in addition to talking about how something should be done, a good way to teach your children how to do something is to model how you would like them to do it. As a result it is important to use sidewalks and cross at corners when possible, where crosswalks and traffic signals are available.
Experts believe that adults should help children cross the street until children are 10 years old. Once they reach that point they should b be aware that any devices they might be using while walking should be put down when they reach the corner and are ready to cross. Before stepping into the street, children should make eye contact with those who are behind the wheel. They should also be aware of other vehicles in the area.
Of course drivers need to be responsible for their actions as well. While they should always be watching for pedestrians, this is particularly true when driving in areas such as near parks, in residential neighborhoods and near schools, where children might be walking.
If everyone does their part and looks out for others, pedestrian accidents may be kept to a minimum.
Source: Safe Kids Worldwide, “Pedestrian Safety,” Accessed Dec. 19, 2014