How Our Lawyers Handle a Geico Injury Claim

Legal Claim Form for Medical Malpractice Compensation Calculation.
How Our Lawyers Handle a Geico Injury Claim

Our lawyers handle a Geico injury claim by evaluating the client’s losses, reviewing all relevant insurance policies, and negotiating with Geico’s representatives. We manage every aspect of the claim to protect the client and ensure the claims process progresses as it should.

Geico is well-versed in handling claims, and this can be to the claimant’s disadvantage. The company’s priorities do not align with claimants’ interests, which can often result in inadequate compensation.

Our car accident attorneys are similarly experienced in handling injury claims, and we do have your best interests in mind as a claimant. Let us demand the compensation you deserve from Geico.

What to Know About Dealing with Geico

Legal Claim Form for Medical Malpractice Compensation Calculation.

While there are common qualities in any injury claim, Geico’s specific features can be relevant to your claim. Some important facts to recognize about Geico are:

  • It is one of the top three auto insurance providers: As of 2024, Geico is the third-leading auto insurance provider in America, with a 13.8 percent market share. This means that Geico is a behemoth in terms of insurance carriers, and the organization is dedicated to maintaining its financial interests.
  • It has experienced representatives on its side: You do not reach the status that Geico has without employing capable actuaries, adjusters, and lawyers. Geico faces an endless slew of claims, and its employees may do everything possible to pay as little as possible for those claims.
  • It has substantial financial resources: Geico’s massive market share means it has significant financial resources. You may find that Geico uses its considerable resources to fight against paying the compensation you deserve.
  • It generally looks out for its own financial interests over claimants’: The nature of any business is to maximize revenues and profits. This means that Geico is always seeking to enhance its bottom line, and fighting claims is one way of striving toward that goal. 

It can be difficult to accurately generalize about any organization, including auto insurance providers. Your experience often depends on the specific Geico employees you deal with. However, you cannot ignore the organization’s substantial resources and motivation to fight your claim.

The Challenges That Come with Any Injury Claim

When you file an injury claim with Geico or any other insurer, you must prepare for the challenges ahead. Many choose to have a car accident lawyer address these challenges, which can include:

  • Accusations that you caused your injury (and therefore don’t deserve the compensation you seek): Fault often determines who is financially liable for one’s injuries. Geico may accuse you of having fault for your injuries, whether in an auto accident or other circumstances. Your lawyer will need to prove otherwise. 
  • Denial of your injury claim: Geico may respond to your claim with a denial. There are many possible reasons Geico can cite for denying your claim. Your attorney will respond directly and convincingly to any claim denials.
  • Delays in processing your claim: There may be several reasons for Geico to delay your claim, including placing pressure on you to accept a lowball settlement. Attorneys will constantly contact Geico to move your claim forward efficiently.
  • Intentional confusion about the details of Geico policies: The details of insurance policies dictate who deserves compensation and how much money they deserve. Geico representatives can seek to confuse or mislead you about policies, but your lawyer will be well-versed in those policies. 
  • Tense settlement negotiations: If Geico intends to pay you less compensation than you deserve, difficult settlement negotiations may be inevitable. Attorneys are no stronger to tense negotiations, and they will handle every step of settlement negotiations for you.

Depending on your circumstances, you may also file a claim with an insurer other than Geico. Your attorney can handle all your injury claims as they seek to secure the money you deserve for your losses.

Reasons to Consider Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Whether to hire a lawyer is one of the most pressing questions after suffering an injury. As you make this decision, consider that injured parties hire lawyers because:

  • Injury-related cases regularly involve large financial recoveries, so the cost of not succeeding in your claim is high
  • Injured parties may be at a disadvantage when dealing with Geico’s experienced representatives
  • Law firms provide many resources, including expert services, that can be valuable to a Geico injury claim
  • Injured partners often have mental health struggles that can diminish their ability to handle a claim 

Our Geico injury claim lawyers will bring years of experience to your case. This experience may prove valuable in many ways.

How Our Car Accident Lawyers Will Fight for a Fair Settlement

A woman driving in rainy conditions experiences a car accident. She is now signing the auto insurance claim paperwork with an insurance agent, discussing the incident within the context of road traffic.

Completing an injury claim successfully requires substantial time and effort, and our attorneys will:

Become Familiar with Geico’s Policies

Each insurance policy is unique. To determine how much compensation you deserve, your lawyer will need to be an expert in the policies governing your claim.

Lead Communications with Geico

Your attorney will handle all interactions with Geico because:

  • We will be responsible for your claim, and communications are a critical component of any injury claim
  • Geico can use direct interactions with you to violate your rights and undermine your claim
  • We need to ensure that Geico processes your claim on time so that we will be in frequent contact with its representatives

You may need to make one or more recorded statements. We may arrange for you to submit a clear, written statement so there are no errors in your statement(s).

Secure All Available Documentation of Your Losses

Your lawyer will substantiate your claim by securing proof of your injury-related losses. Important documentation may include:

  • Your doctors’ written diagnoses of your injuries and symptoms
  • Bills detailing the cost of your medical services
  • Your own words detailing your symptoms (including those caused by physical injuries and pain and suffering)
  • Experts’ testimony about your injuries and mental health difficulties

If you undergo diagnostic imaging (like X-rays), your attorney will provide these images to Geico.

Establish Fault for Your Injuries

Because fault is a key consideration in injury claims, your lawyer will gather evidence showing who is at fault for your injuries. Video and witness accounts are two common types of evidence used in Geico injury claims.

Negotiate a Settlement with Geico’s Representatives

Because most injury-related civil cases settle, your lawyer may be optimistic about obtaining a fair settlement offer from Geico. However, they may have to present a convincing case to secure this settlement.

You may trust a lawyer to lead settlement negotiations on your behalf because:

  • Lawyers negotiate as part of their job
  • Your lawyer may have extensive experience negotiating with Geico 
  • Attorneys understand various negotiating strategies (including strategies they may face from Geico’s representatives)
  • You are not an experienced negotiator

Settlement negotiations are likely not something you look forward to. With a lawyer handling your claim, you can focus on your health while your attorney negotiates on your behalf.

If Geico proves unwilling to offer the settlement you deserve, we may need to:

  • File a lawsuit
  • Fight your case in court

Injury claims become even more complicated when filing a lawsuit is necessary. Just as our attorneys have experience in resolving claims, we also know the demands of lawsuits and trials. When you hire a Geico injury claim lawyer, you can afford yourself every option for seeking compensation (including going to trial).

Losses You Can Demand Compensation for After Suffering an Injury

Part of resolving a Geico claim is identifying the exact losses the claimant has suffered. Injuries (and the events that cause them) can result in:

Medical Expenses

The concept of healthcare expenses and fees is illustrated as a smart doctor utilizes a calculator, smartphone, and tablet to calculate medical costs at the hospital.

Common medical services among injured parties include:

  • Ambulance transport
  • Emergency medical care
  • Diagnostic imaging services
  • Surgery
  • Hospital services
  • Rehabilitation services

Medical costs can skyrocket when someone suffers a catastrophic injury. Your attorney will consult your doctors as they total the cost of your medical care.

Psychological Distress and Other Forms of Pain and Suffering

Many injured parties experience severe pain and suffering, which may include:

  • The loss of physical abilities
  • Changes in mood and personality
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Emotional anguish
  • Psychological distress
  • Sleep problems
  • Lost quality of life

Your car accident attorney may urge you to meet with a mental health professional to get clear, detailed diagnoses of your pain and suffering. Your own account of pain and suffering can be important to your Geico injury claim (or any related lawsuit).

Professional Harm

Injuries often lead directly to professional losses, which can include:

  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Lost opportunities to earn promotions, bonuses, and other performance-related incentives
  • Lost status and progress within your professional field
  • Lost benefits

The details of your career will be important. Your attorney will obtain work records, speak with your employer, and take other necessary steps to evaluate your professional losses.

Permanent Disability

When injuries are disabling, the injured party may suffer additional burdens that include:

  • Medical equipment (like lift devices and wheelchairs)
  • Changes to their residence (such as the installation of ramps and handrails)
  • Substantial pain and suffering
  • Long-term medical services
  • Long-term mental health services
  • Long-term rehabilitation
  • Permanent income loss

Many Geico claims also involve property expenses, like the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle. Your attorney will account for these and any other losses for which Geico owes you compensation.

Types of Injuries Our Car Accident Lawyers Demand Compensation For

Attorneys seek fair compensation when clients suffer:

  • New injuries
  • Worsening symptoms of existing injuries

Whether you have suffered broken bones, internal bleeding, a brain injury, or any other health condition, your lawyer will evaluate injury-related losses. Geico injury claim lawyers work alongside clients’ doctors to understand clients’ injuries and seek fair compensation.

When Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer to Take Over My Geico Injury Claim?

Wooden hammers, toy cars, money, contracts, auction ideas, and US dollars amid car accident insurance claims lawsuits in court.

Your search for a Geico injury claim lawyer should be a high priority. Waiting to hire your attorney can be a mistake because:

  • Claims come with deadlines: A Geico injury claim may involve numerous deadlines, including reporting your injuries. The sooner you hire your personal injury attorney, the less risk you face of missing non-negotiable deadlines.
  • Lawsuits also have deadlines: Most states impose deadlines for filing personal injury lawsuits. The claims process may not produce the settlement offer you deserve. In this case, your lawyer will need to beat your case’s statute of limitations. Allow them to do this by hiring your attorney as soon as possible.
  • Your attorney must obtain evidence and document your injuries right away: A Geico injury claim may only be as strong as the evidence and documentation your lawyer gathers. There is no time to wait when documenting losses and obtaining evidence of negligence, so don’t wait to hire your lawyer.
  • You shouldn’t wait to protect your rights: Your rights are safe as soon as you retain an attorney. Until then, you may face contact from Geico that can lead to a rights violation.

You may also experience enhanced peace of mind when you hire a lawyer. You may be better able to focus on your health, too. These are all compelling reasons to retain your Geico injury claim lawyers as soon as possible.

Can I Afford a Lawyer for My Geico Injury Claim?

You can afford to hire a lawyer for your Geico injury claim—anyone can, for that matter. Personal injury attorneys are affordable because they typically use contingency fees, which:

  • Require the law firm to cover all case-related costs
  • Do not require the client to pay any upfront or out-of-pocket fee to the law firm
  • Link the law firm’s fee to the case’s outcome, as the lawyer will only receive a fee if the client receives compensation

This fee structure prevents you from worrying about the cost of hiring a Geico injury claim lawyer.

Hire Your Car Accident Attorney for a Geico Claim Today

Russell Nicolet, personal injury lawyer
Car Accident Attorney, Russell Nicolet

Do not underestimate Geico’s resources or intent to pay you less than you deserve. Trust an experienced personal injury attorney to hold Geico accountable and handle every step of your claim.

Remember the time-sensitive aspects of injury claims and lawsuits. Don’t wait to identify a qualified car accident law firm and hire it to lead your case.