Are Skin Abnormalities Just a Normal Part of Working Hard?

Girl scratching her hand, which has red, inflamed skin from her work activities
Are Skin Abnormalities Just a Normal Part of Working Hard?
Girl scratching her hand, which has red, inflamed skin from her work activities

Many jobs place workers in contact with substances that can irritate the skin. It is crucial that workers who are exposed to these irritants are provided with the protection they need to keep their skin healthy. There is a chance that prolonged exposure to some chemicals or substances can lead to serious health issues.

What are some substances that can lead to work-related skin issues?

Almost any substance can lead to work-related skin issues. Used mineral oils, dust, UV rays, contact with abrasive substances and similar substances can all lead to issues with the skin. In each of these cases, proper safety measures must be taken to help the employees avoid potential health hazards.

What are some issues that come from exposure to these chemicals?

In some cases, an employee might be allergic to a substance that others aren't allergic to. In that case, the employee might become sensitized to the substance and suffer from life-long effects when exposed to that substance. In some cases, skin cancer might occur if the exposure was to carcinogenic substances. Cracked, itchy, red skin is also possible if irritant contact dermatitis occurs because of the continued exposure to the chemicals or substances.

Some workers who suffer from work-related skin issues don't ever report the issue. Instead, they suffer in silence and chalk up the symptoms to hard work. It doesn't have to be that way. Workers who suffer from skin issues caused by work conditions might opt to seek workers' compensation benefits for the effects of the exposure to the substances that have damaged their skin.

Source: Occupational Health & Safety, "Help Protect Hard-Working Hands from Occupational Skin Disorders," Andreas Klotz, accessed April 22, 2016