Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys
Spinal cord injuries create immense challenges that typically last the rest of your life, leaving you struggling to manage your daily tasks, take care of yourself, or engage in your typical hobbies and activities. If someone else’s negligence caused your spinal cord injuries, you might have the right to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim.
Contact online or by phone at (612) 446-3999 Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers to learn more about your rights and how our Minnesota personal injury lawyers can file a claim for you.
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How Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers Can Help You

If you suffered spinal cord injuries in an accident due to another’s negligence, you need to focus on your recovery and future. Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers can handle your claim so that you can keep your attention where it needs to remain: your recovery.
We can help seek evidence related to your accident.
Spinal cord injuries are serious. After an accident injuring your spine, you must establish who bears liability for the accident. Insurance companies often fight to limit liability as much as possible. At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we can help collect the vital evidence you need to prove liability and seek the compensation you deserve. We look through all possible parties to determine liability for your claim, whether we must look through a construction company's records or dig deeper into a driver's history.
We help our clients break down the actual losses associated with their spinal cord injuries.

In many cases, spinal cord injury treatment costs over $1 million in the first year alone. Following your accident, you may have ongoing treatment costs for the rest of your life, depending on the severity of your spinal cord injury. We help our clients break down their financial losses to understand the compensation they deserve for their injuries. Knowing the value of your damages can prevent you from inadvertently accepting unfair settlement offers.
We represent our clients to the insurance company that covers the liable party when needed.
Dealing with the insurance company is stressful and challenging. At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we handle these interactions for our clients. That means reducing your stress and freeing up your time to focus on recovery. Our assistance may help you avoid the snarls associated with insurance company communications, helping to protect your chance of receiving maximum compensation.
We represent our clients if their claims go to court.
As a spinal cord injury victim, you may need to pursue substantial compensation for your injuries from the accident. Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to reduce the compensation they pay out as much as possible, which may force you to go to court to get the full compensation you deserve. At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we represent our clients in the courtroom, from presenting the case in a compelling manner to laying out all the evidence; we will fight to win the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
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Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in Minnesota

Spinal cord injuries occur from a variety of severe accident scenarios.
Car and Truck Accidents
Car or truck accidents cause many severe injuries, often due to a driver’s negligent actions, such as driving while distracted or intoxicated, speeding, or otherwise engaging in reckless behavior.
Spinal cord injuries typically result from severe accidents, often due to a driver not taking adequate precautions to protect themselves and others around them. Motorcycle accident victims, who have little protection from the road or from the vehicle that strikes them, may also have a higher risk of suffering injuries like spinal cord injuries.
Schedule a free consultation with our car accident lawyers to discuss your legal recovery options.
Premises Liability Incidents
Property owners in Minnesota, including public and private property owners, should exercise reasonable precautions to protect visitors on their premises. Whether you visit a friend’s home or a store, you expect a reasonably safe experience. Poor repairs, especially on flooring and stairs, quickly lead to severe accidents resulting in spinal cord injuries.
Schedule a free consultation with our premises liability accident lawyers to discuss your legal recovery options.
Product Liability Incidents
Defective products, including products used in construction and products used in safety, pose an immense danger. A defective product can substantially raise the risk of a spinal cord injury, especially if that product causes a severe fall or tremendous force to the spinal cord.
Schedule a free consultation with our product liability accident lawyers to discuss your legal recovery options.
Water-Related Accidents
The Land of 10,000 lakes offers fun and excitement for everyone out on the water during the summer. However, this fun significantly raises the risk of water-related accidents, including boating and swimming accidents. Boaters who engage in reckless behavior substantially increase the risk of a severe water accident, which may, in some cases, result in spinal cord injury.
Pool owners also bear a high duty of care to visitors. They must adequately label the depth of the water and maintain the pool to help reduce the risk of injuries, including spinal cord injuries.
How Do You Determine Liability for a Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury

Filing an injury claim after your spinal cord injury can make it much easier to cover your medical bills and manage the many expenses that come with a serious injury. Contact a lawyer as soon after your accident as possible to review the evidence so that you know who likely bears liability for your spinal cord injury.
A Minnesota spinal cord injury lawyer may look at several critical factors to help determine who bears liability for your accident and your injuries.
Duty of Care
A duty of care establishes that someone had a basic duty to you at the time of the accident, meaning they needed to reduce your injury risk. Suppose, for example, that you visit a store: the business bears a duty of care to its visitors. It should ensure that its property does not pose a high risk of injury for accidents such as falling, falling objects, or fire hazards.
Violating the Duty of Care
Generally, to bear liability for an accident, the liable party must violate the duty of care. For example, if a property owner knows that a stair is damaged but fails to repair it, they violate their duty of care. It might also mean failing to clean up properly after a spill or ignoring a patron who notified the establishment about a severe hazard.
To file a personal injury claim, you must suffer some injury. In the case of a spinal cord injury claim, you will need to show that the liable party’s actions caused you, whether directly or indirectly, to suffer your spinal cord injury. For example, if you had a hard fall down a long flight of stairs that the owner failed to repair, you might establish that the owner’s negligence in not taking care of those repairs caused your accident and injuries.
How Much Is My Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Worth?

Many Minnesota spinal cord injury victims prioritize determining how much compensation they can recover for their injuries. Often, recovering adequate compensation makes a huge difference in a victim’s ability to pay medical bills and take care of the financial challenges that arise following a spinal cord injury.
At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we cannot guarantee the compensation you will recover as part of your spinal cord injury claim. However, we help our clients identify their losses and break them down to determine how much compensation they should expect as part of a spinal cord injury claim. Every case is different and there are factors that an experienced lawyer can help you identify when it comes to recovering compensation for your claim.
Medical Bills
The medical bills for a spinal cord injury mount rapidly. Many spinal cord injury victims will have an extended stay in a rehabilitation facility and a long road to recovery in the first year after the accident.
In addition to these immediate medical bills, including emergency medical care and a longer-term hospital stay, patients may need extensive therapy to increase their odds of making a full recovery after the accident.
Furthermore, spinal cord injury victims may need considerable durable medical equipment, including a wheelchair, hospital bed, braces, and assistive devices to help them get around as independently as possible after the accident.
Home Modifications
Spinal cord injuries often necessitate substantial modifications to make your home habitable and for you to remain as independent as possible. You may, for example, need to lower countertops in the kitchen, install special equipment in your bathroom, or widen doorways throughout the house to make your rooms fully accessible.
You may also need to install items like a wheelchair ramp or even a lift. These home modification costs can add up substantially. Talk to your lawyer about what costs to include as part of your injury claim.
Pain and Suffering
Spinal cord injuries often permanently change the trajectory of the victim’s life. In many cases, spinal cord injuries will prevent patients from engaging in the same hobbies and activities they enjoyed before the accident. They may have difficulty dealing with a new lack of independence, particularly if they suffer injuries that require support and assistance from others around them.
Furthermore, spinal cord injuries can interfere with relationships, particularly those based on shared hobbies and activities. As part of your spinal cord injury claim, you may have the right to include compensation for your pain and suffering following the accident.
Did You Suffer a Spinal Cord Injury in Minnesota Due to Another Party’s Negligence?

If you suffered a spinal cord injury due to the negligence of another party, you may pursue compensation. Working with our Minnesota spinal cord injury attorneys can provide the support and guidance you need as you move through the claims process. Contact Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers at (612) 446-3999 for a free consultation.
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Minneapolis Office
Address: 43 SE Main Street, Suite #500,Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: (612) 888-8258