Iowa Dog Bite Accident Lawyer


Getting bitten by a dog may seem like a minor incident. However, it can actually result in severe injuries and even permanent disfigurement. These injuries aren't just emotionally traumatizing. They are also costly to deal with.

When animal attack injuries keep you from working or earning a living, it's vital to seek legal representation from an experienced Iowa dog bite accident lawyer. At Nicolet Law, we can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

Schedule a free case evaluation online or at 1-855-NICOLET to learn how we can help you with your dog bite accident case.

Injured in Iowa? Get Nicolet.

Why Choose Our Dog Bite Accident Lawyers in Iowa?

Injured. Get Nicolet.

Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers have an extensive history of securing maximum compensation for victims of animal attacks. 

Our legal professionals will fight hard to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages related to your injuries.

Knowing that the trauma of an animal attack is overwhelming, we strive to provide compassionate and personalized legal services. 

Our team will handle all aspects of your case. This includes meticulous evidence gathering, aggressively negotiating with insurance adjusters, and litigating in court if necessary.

Two convenient office locations in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids ensure no dog bite accident survivor is without access to quality legal representation. Our attorneys also offer home and hospital visits for those who cannot travel due to injuries.

Who Is At Fault for a Dog Bite Accident in Iowa?

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Dog owners are responsible for properly training and controlling their pets to prevent potential harm to others. The owner may be liable for the resulting injuries when a bite occurs.

In Iowa, strict liability laws hold dog owners accountable for damages caused by their pet's aggressive behavior. 

This means that even if the owner did not have prior knowledge of their dog's tendency to bite or attack, they could still be held responsible for the incident.

However, there are also situations where other parties may share responsibility for a dog attack. 

For example, if a landlord failed to properly maintain a property and allowed a dangerous dog to reside there, they could also be liable for negligence.

At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we will thoroughly investigate your case to determine all potentially liable parties and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

How Do I Know If I Have a Valid Dog Bite Accident Claim?

Iowa animal attack laws are very complex, and many factors can affect the outcome of a case.

A valid dog bite claim typically involves the following elements:

  • The attack occurred in a public place or on private property where the victim was legally allowed to be
  • The victim did not provoke the dog or engage in any illegal actions at the time of the attack

If these elements apply to your situation, you may have a valid compensation claim. 

If they don’t, you should still consider speaking to our Iowa dog bite accident lawyers. What may initially seem like an invalid claim may actually have grounds for compensation under the right circumstances.

What Injuries Do Dog Bites Cause?

Dogs are powerful animals, and even a seemingly minor bite can result in serious injuries, including but not limited to:

  • Lacerations and puncture wounds
  • Nerve damage
  • Bone fractures or breaks
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Infections, including rabies or tetanus

Fatalities are also a common occurrence, especially when the dog is a pit bull. In fact, pit bulls are responsible for nearly 67 percent of dog bite fatalities.

No matter how minor or severe the injuries, you must contact an Iowa dog bite accident lawyer to ensure you are appropriately compensated for any and all damages or losses.

How Much Does A Dog Bite Cost?

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It is easy to assume that a bite injury isn't worth the cost of pursuing a personal injury claim. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

While you may think your injuries are not severe enough to warrant a legal case, the costs associated with these accidents can quickly add up and leave you with a significant financial burden.

For example, emergency services for an animal attack can cost thousands of dollars, and ongoing medical treatment and therapy can add up to even more. 

Furthermore, the emotional trauma of dog attacks often creates animal phobias requiring years of therapy to overcome. At hourly rates ranging between $60 and $300, these mental health services can total tens or hundreds of thousands over a lifetime.

On top of all of that, rabies shots commonly given after an attack can cost $536+ for a single person, with many victims requiring multiple rounds.

So, though the initial cost of filing a claim may seem intimidating, it is essential to consider the long-term expenses and potential financial strain that can result from an animal attack.

How Much Is My Dog Bite Accident Worth?

A free case evaluation from an Iowa dog bite accident lawyer can shed light on the potential value of your claim. 

These cases are unique and require a thorough analysis of various factors, including medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.

For tangible losses or those with a specific monetary value, it may be relatively easy to determine the potential worth of your case. These economic damages typically include:

  • Medical expenses (past, present, and future)
  • Lost wages and earning capacity
  • Property damage (e.g., torn clothing or damaged belongings)

Less tangible but equally important losses, known as non-economic damages, may also be included in your claim, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

While assigning a monetary value to these damages is complicated, our experienced dog bite accident lawyers can accurately assess their worth and fight for maximum compensation after an animal attack.

Where Do Dog Bite Accidents Occur Most Often?

Animal attacks can happen anywhere, but there are certain locations where they occur more frequently. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following are common areas where dog bites occur:

  • In or around the victim's home
  • Other homes with dogs present
  • On public property such as parks or sidewalks
  • A friend's or family member's home

In 60 percent of animal attack cases, children are likely to be the victims. Reports suggest that mail carriers are the next most common to suffer dog bites, with over 3000 attacks reported every year.

It doesn't matter if the attack occurred on private or public property. If you were legally allowed to be there and the owner was negligent in controlling their dog, you may have a valid claim for compensation.

How Can an Iowa Dog Bite Accident Lawyer from Nicolet Law Help My Case?

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Having experienced legal counsel aggressively advocating for your right to maximum compensation can make all the difference in your case. 

At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we have extensive knowledge of Iowa's animal attack laws and a track record of success in representing dog bite victims.

We have been able to secure these favorable settlements by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the accident and gathering evidence to support your claim
  • Consulting with medical experts to accurately assess the extent of your injuries and related expenses
  • Negotiating with insurance companies and liable parties on your behalf
  • If necessary, representing you in court and fighting for a fair and just verdict

No one should have to suffer the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of an animal attack alone. Let our experienced personal injury lawyers help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

Are All Animal Attacks the Fault of the Owner?

Not necessarily. While dog owners are typically held liable for any harm caused by their pets, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if you were trespassing on private property or provoking the dog at the time of the attack, you will face challenges in proving the owner's liability.

Additionally, if the owner took the proper precautions to restrain their dog and prevent an attack, they may not be liable for the incident.

Despite these potential challenges, it is still essential to consult a dog bite accident lawyer to determine the validity of your claim and explore all possible avenues for compensation.

Iowa Dog Bite Accident Lawyer FAQ

What are my rights as a victim of a dog bite?

You can pursue compensation for your injuries and any related damages. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more.

Should I accept an insurance settlement for my injury?

Accepting an insurance settlement without first consulting with a lawyer is not recommended. Insurance companies often offer low settlements in hopes that claimants will take them out of desperation or ignorance about the true value of their claim.

How long will it take to resolve my accident case?

Factors such as the severity of injuries, availability of evidence, and the willingness of all parties involved to negotiate can affect the time it takes to resolve. Our experienced legal team will work diligently to promptly secure a fair settlement or verdict.

Do I have to pay upfront fees for hiring an Iowa dog bite accident lawyer from Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers?

No, we operate on a contingency fee basis. Our legal fees are only paid once we have successfully settled your case. This allows us to provide top-notch legal representation without causing additional financial strain for our clients.

Who should I call after a dog bite accident in Iowa?

After seeking medical attention, your next call should be to an experienced dog bite accident lawyer from Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers. We offer free case evaluations and can help determine the best action for seeking justice and compensation after a dog attack.

How long do I have to file a personal injury claim in Iowa?

Usually, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Iowa is two years from the date of the incident. However, it is always best to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to ensure that all deadlines are met and your rights are protected.

Recover Maximum Compensation for Injuries with the Help of an Iowa Dog Bite Accident Lawyer From Nicolet Law

You may not have been able to avoid getting bitten by a dog. However, you can avoid the hardships of navigating a personal injury claim alone. 

Let Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers fight for your rights and help you recover maximum compensation for all injuries and losses.

Don't suffer more than you already have. Schedule a free case evaluation with an Iowa dog bite accident lawyer from Nicolet Law today at 1-855-NICOLET to begin pursuing the justice and compensation you deserve.