How Much Is a Bicycle Accident Claim Worth?

How Much Is a Bicycle Accident Claim Worth
How Much Is a Bicycle Accident Claim Worth?

If a bicycle accident that was someone else's fault seriously injured you or a loved one, you're likely facing a difficult road ahead. Medical bills are piling up, maybe you cannot work, and the trauma of the crash has taken an emotional toll.

One of the most pressing questions on your mind is likely: How much is a bicycle accident claim worth? 

The value of a bicycle accident case depends on many factors, but successful claims often recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and other losses.

If a bicycle crash tragically killed a loved one, certain family members may file a wrongful death lawsuit. While no amount of money can undo what happened, a fair settlement or jury verdict can provide crucial financial relief and a sense of justice.

A seasoned bicycle accident attorney in Green Bay can represent you. They can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and protect your legal rights.

Alarming Bicycle Accident Statistics in the Upper Midwest

Bicycling is a popular pastime and mode of transportation in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and North Dakota, especially during the warmer months. Unfortunately, this also means more opportunities for serious bicycle accidents. 

Consider these sobering statistics:

  • Each year in Minnesota, an average of 800 bicyclists are injured and 7 are killed in crashes with motor vehicles.
  • Recent Wisconsin statistics showed there were 683 bicycle crashes resulting in 11 fatalities and 505 injuries in a year.
  • A recent four-year report in North Dakota revealed 185 bicycle crashes resulting in 2 fatalities and 170 injuries.

National Bike Accident Stats

The risks faced by Upper Midwest bicyclists are part of a larger national problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), traffic crashes killed 846 bicyclists and injured 49,000 in the U.S. in its most recent report.

These numbers underscore the ongoing dangers faced by cyclists on American roads.

Nationally, most fatal bicycle accidents (63%) occur on urban roads, and more than a quarter (27%) happen at intersections. Most bicyclist deaths (61%) take place during daylight hours. Alcohol is also a major risk factor. 

While bicycle accident fatality rates vary by region, with the Southeast having some of the most dangerous cities according to a recent study, no state is immune to these tragic crashes.

The League of American Bicyclists' recent ranking of bicycle-friendly states placed Minnesota third nationally, while Wisconsin ranked 29th and North Dakota 47th. However, even in states with better infrastructure and policies, serious bicycle accidents remain far too common.

Most Common Types of Bicycle Accidents

Types of Bicycle Accidents

Some of the most common bicycle accidents that may qualify for a personal injury claim include:

  • A motorist failing to yield the right-of-way to a cyclist.
  • A driver hitting a bicyclist when turning or changing lanes.
  • A car door being opened into the path of an oncoming cyclist (dooring).
  • A driver rear-ending a cyclist.
  • A motorist failing to see a cyclist due to distracted driving.
  • A driver hitting a bicyclist in a parking lot or driveway.
  • A cyclist crashing due to a pothole, uneven pavement, or other hazardous road condition. 

If someone else's negligence at least partially caused the accident, the injured cyclist may have a valid personal injury claim. An experienced bicycle accident lawyer can review the case and advise you on your legal options.

Catastrophic Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

When a motor vehicle weighing thousands of pounds collides with an exposed cyclist, the results are often catastrophic.

Some of the most common injuries suffered in bicycle crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Crushed or fractured bones
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Chest and abdominal injuries
  • Lacerations, road rash, and disfigurement
  • Internal organ damage and internal bleeding
  • Wrongful death

These severe injuries typically require extensive medical treatment, surgeries, rehabilitation, and time off work. Some cyclists sustain permanent disabilities or impairments. The physical, emotional, and financial impact can overwhelm you. In the worst cases, an innocent cyclist dies in a bike crash.

Compensation in Bicycle Accident Claims

If a bicycle crash, injured you, you may recover compensation for:

Medical Expenses

Medical Expenses

A successful bicycle accident claim should cover all medical bills related to the crash, including emergency care, hospitalizations, surgeries, doctor visits, prescriptions, medical equipment, and estimated future medical needs. Keep track of all treatments and save copies of medical records and bills.

Lost Wages

If your injuries keep you out of work while you recover, you can claim the income you lost as a result. If a disability impairs your future earning potential, you may recover for loss of future income.

Property Damage

The liable party (usually their insurance company) must repair or replace your damaged bicycle, helmet, cycling clothing and accessories, and any other personal property damaged in the crash.

Pain and Suffering

You can recover compensation for the physical pain and emotional anguish you endured because of the accident and your injuries.

A Green Bay personal injury attorney experienced in handling bike crash injury claims can determine an appropriate amount for your pain and suffering. They will base the figure on the severity of your injuries, the type of medical treatment required, length of recovery, and other factors.

Emotional Distress

Bicycle accident victims often struggle with emotional distress, mental anguish, anxiety, depression, PTSD, loss of enjoyment of life, and other psychological impacts after a traumatic crash. An injury claim can recover compensation for these intangible damages.

Loss of Consortium

If your injuries damaged your relationship with your spouse, they can claim loss of consortium. This refers to the loss of companionship, support, intimacy, and services often experienced after a serious accident.

Wrongful Death Damages

If you lost a loved one in a fatal bicycle accident, no amount of compensation can fill that void. However, a wrongful death claim can recover damages for final medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, loss of the deceased's income and benefits, loss of inheritance, and loss of care, companionship, and guidance.

A compassionate wrongful death lawyer in Green Bay can guide you through this emotional process.

To build a strong bicycle accident claim:

  • Call 911 to report the accident and request emergency medical attention.
  • Take photos of your injuries, damaged bicycle and property, the vehicle that hit you, and the accident scene.
  • Get contact and insurance information from the driver.
  • Talk to eyewitnesses and get their contact information.
  • Give a statement to the police, mentioning any traffic laws the driver violated.
  • Seek prompt medical care and tell the doctor you were in a bike crash.
  • Notify your own insurance company about the accident.
  • Keep copies of accident-related bills, records, and correspondence.
  • Start a pain journal documenting how your injuries impact your daily life.
  • Contact an experienced bicycle accident lawyer to review your rights and options. 

The sooner you consult a personal injury attorney, the better. A lawyer can communicate with insurance companies on your behalf, gather time-sensitive evidence to support your claim, and fight for the maximum compensation you need to move forward.

How a Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycle accident cases can be complex, with issues of liability, insurance coverage, and damages that are best navigated with the help of a skilled attorney.

An experienced bicycle accident attorney can:

  • Offer a free consultation to review your case and answer your questions.
  • Thoroughly investigate the accident to determine liability.
  • Gather evidence such as photos, videos, police reports, medical records, and expert testimony.
  • Interview eyewitnesses and obtain their statements.
  • Handle all communications and negotiations with insurance companies.
  • Consult with experts to substantiate your injuries and damages.
  • Prepare and file a lawsuit if a fair settlement cannot be reached.
  • Zealously advocate for your rights in court if necessary. 

While some accidents are clear-cut with an easily identifiable at-fault party, many bicycle accident cases involve comparative negligence, where parties share fault.

Even if you share blame for the crash, you can usually still recover compensation as long as your responsibility was less than the other party or parties. Your lawyer can advise about state negligence laws, accurately assess liability, and see that you're not unfairly blamed.

Maximizing Your Bicycle Accident Settlement

Insurance companies are notorious for offering quick, lowball settlements to bicycle accident victims, hoping they'll accept a check that doesn't even come close to covering their losses. That's why working with an attorney who can properly value your claim and fight for every penny you deserve is so important. 

To maximize your bicycle accident settlement, your lawyer may:

  • Meticulously document your injuries, treatment, and prognosis.
  • Enlist medical experts to provide compelling testimony about your injuries.
  • Collect evidence of the driver's negligence, such as cell phone records or toxicology reports.
  • Use accident reconstruction specialists to show how the crash happened.
  • Obtain video footage of the accident from traffic or surveillance cameras.
  • Interview witnesses who can attest to the driver's fault and the severity of the crash.
  • File a lawsuit and prepare for trial to show the insurance company you mean business.

With an aggressive legal strategy and a commitment to pursuing justice, a skilled bicycle accident attorney can often secure a higher settlement offer from the insurance company. If the case goes to trial, your lawyer can present a compelling case to the jury to fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

Contact a Compassionate Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we understand the immense physical, emotional, and financial toll a serious bicycle accident can take.

Our dedicated attorneys have extensive experience representing injured cyclists and grieving families in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and North Dakota, as well as nationwide.

We offer free consultations, charge no fees unless we recover compensation for you, and are here to help you navigate every step of the legal process.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident that was someone else's fault, don't wait to get the legal advocacy you need and deserve. Contact Nicolet Law for a free consultation. Our attorneys are ready to listen and help you understand your rights. We've recovered millions of dollars for our clients and we're here to fight for you. Call our main office at (715) 377-2141 or reach us 24/7 at 1-855-NICOLET. You can also contact us online at any time to get started.