When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident
When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

When you're dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial problems after a serious wreck, the thought of filing an insurance claim or lawsuit and navigating the legal process can feel overwhelming.

You may wonder when to hire an attorney after a car accident. In most cases involving significant injuries or the tragic loss of life, hire an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible after the crash.

You may face extensive medical treatment, time away from work, property damage, and an uncertain future. That's where an accomplished River Falls personal injury attorney can make all the difference, guiding you through the complex process of pursuing the full and fair compensation you need and deserve.

How Common Are Serious Car Accidents?

Car Accidents

The unfortunate reality is that auto accidents are all too common in the U.S., and they frequently result in severe, life-altering injuries or even death.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 5 million police-reported motor vehicle crashes occurred in a recent reporting year, causing 2.28 million people to suffer injuries and taking the lives of 38,824 people.

In Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota alone, 649 people lost their lives in traffic accidents in one year.

When Should You Contact A Car Accident Attorney?

Consult an attorney as soon as possible following the crash, for several reasons:

  • Important evidence can be lost or destroyed over time.
  • There are deadlines for filing insurance claims and lawsuits (statutes of limitations).
  • The sooner you have legal representation, the sooner your lawyer can start building your case.
  • Early legal representation helps you avoid critical mistakes like giving a recorded statement to the insurance company. 

Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no upfront costs. Your attorney only collects legal fees if they recover compensation for you.

Why Hire a Lawyer After a Car Wreck With Serious Injuries?

You need dedicated legal representation after a major auto collision caused by another driver's negligence for help:

Proving Liability and Gathering Evidence

Hire a Lawyer

Establishing that the other party was at fault is essential for recovering damages. However, the insurance company is not on your side and will look for any reason to deny your claim or minimize your payout.

A skilled car accident attorney can investigate the crash and gather police reports, surveillance footage, witness statements, and expert analysis to build a strong case demonstrating the other driver's liability.

Assessing the Full Extent of Your Damages

Many accident victims vastly underestimate both the short-term and long-term costs of their injuries.

Your lawyer can work with medical experts to evaluate your prognosis and determine the full scope of your economic and non-economic damages, including:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and diminished earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim

In the most tragic cases, a serious vehicle accident may result in the driver’s or passengers’ deaths. While no amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one, compensation can help ease the financial burden of laying someone to rest. 

For fatal accidents, a wrongful death claim can recover damages for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of the deceased's expected earnings
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of companionship, guidance, and support

Handling Communication and Negotiation with Insurers

Insurance companies are focused on their bottom line, not your best interests. It's common for adjusters to dispute liability, downplay injuries, and pressure claimants to accept lowball settlement offers.

Your attorney can take over all communication with the insurance companies, aggressively negotiate on your behalf, and ensure your rights are protected every step of the way.

Filing a Lawsuit and Going to Trial if Needed


If the insurance company refuses to make a fair settlement offer, your lawyer can file a wrongful death lawsuit and take your case to trial.

Choosing a law firm with a track record of success in litigation sends a strong message to the insurance companies that you are serious about recovering maximum compensation.

Allowing You to Focus on Healing

Dealing with a personal injury claim is stressful and time-consuming. Hiring a compassionate attorney allows you to focus on your physical recovery and family, with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your case is in capable hands.

What to Look For In a Car Accident Lawyer

When choosing an attorney to handle your car accident case, consider the following:

  • Substantial experience successfully handling auto accident claims.
  • Proven litigation skills and a willingness to go to trial if needed.
  • Compassion, commitment, and accessibility.
  • Positive client testimonials and peer recognition.
  • Significant settlements and verdicts.
  • Personalized attention and regular case updates.

At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, our team of accomplished trial attorneys has over 100 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of individuals and families affected by serious motor vehicle crashes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and nationwide.

We have a strong track record of achieving favorable results in and out of the courtroom, with millions of dollars recovered for our clients.

Our dedicated lawyers understand the immense challenges you face after a catastrophic wreck. We are here to provide caring, client-focused representation and tireless advocacy in your pursuit of justice and fair compensation.

When you work with our firm, you can expect:

  • A free, no-obligation case evaluation.
  • Comprehensive investigation and case preparation.
  • Aggressive negotiation with the insurance companies.
  • Skilled litigation and trial advocacy.
  • Responsive communication and support.
  • No legal fees unless we win for you.

Contact Nicolet Law After a Serious Car Accident

If you or someone you love has been harmed in a major car crash, the accomplished legal team of personal injury lawyers at Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers is here to help.

Contact us today to schedule your free case evaluation. Let us put our experience, resources, and dedication to work for you and your family in this challenging time. Call our main office at (715) 377-2141 or reach us 24/7 at 1-855-NICOLET. You can also contact us online at any time to get started.