One might assume that with Wisconsin’s short warm-weather season, Hudson may not be as popular of a location for motorcycle enthusiasts as places with milder seasons. However, the beauty of the Hudson area still attracts those seeking the pleasure of the open road that only can be had on the back of a motorcycle.
Yet motorcycle accidents kill and injure people in Hudson every year. If you lost a loved one or were injured in a motorcycle accident in Hudson caused by someone else’s careless or reckless actions, read on to learn about how Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you obtain compensation for the expenses of your injury and the damages it has caused to your quality of life.
Injured? Get Nicolet.
About Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident in Hudson, you should contact the experienced attorneys at Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers. Our award-winning legal team has represented over 3,000 clients and secured more than $38 million in total compensation in our 14 years of practice. Our success has led to growth, and we’ve expanded to 12 locations, located conveniently throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota.
We combine the experience and resources of a large, national firm with the accessibility and client-centered focus of a small, local firm. When you retain us to handle your motorcycle accident claim, you can rest assured knowing that we have the experience and knowledge necessary to pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.
At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we provide free consultations to prospective clients, during which they can discuss the details of their injuries, ask questions about their legal options, and determine the best way forward. We also accept all cases on contingency, which means that we only collect attorney fees if we successfully recover compensation in your case.
Our attorneys have earned a reputation throughout the legal community for zealous advocacy and representation, and insurance companies and defense attorneys know that we take every case seriously. If you’ve sustained injuries in a Hudson motorcycle accident and want to learn more about pursuing compensation, contact Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers today to speak with an experienced member of our legal team.
Our Past Results
At Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers, we’ve helped individuals suffering from motorcycle accident injuries pursue justice and compensation for over 14 years. Whether you’ve already filed a claim that an insurance company has denied or you’re just getting started, we can help you understand the law surrounding motorcycle accident cases in Hudson and determine your best path forward.
Let us handle the legal complexities of your case while you focus on your recovery. While we cannot guarantee a favorable result in your case, we can promise to use our experience and knowledge to pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.
We invite you to take a look at our client testimonials, our hundreds of 5-star reviews from past clients, and our recent results, which include:
- $287,500 on behalf of a client who sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident in Kenosha, WI.
- $750,000.00 on behalf of a client who sustained injuries in a car accident on I-94 near Hudson.
- $60,000 on behalf of a client who was struck by a vehicle backing out of a parking lot in Hudson.
- $45,000 on behalf of a client who sustained injuries in an automobile accident in Hudson.
Injured in Hudson? Get Nicolet.
Accident-Prone Intersections in Hudson
Located on the St. Croix River, Hudson provides a scenic backdrop for a motorcycle ride. Just as with any motor vehicle, motorcycles have certain risks, and if you’re involved in a collision with a car or truck, you may sustain severe injuries that change your life forever.
All motorcyclists should wear protective gear and drive defensively to avoid sustaining serious injuries in an accident. Just as important, however, is knowing where to drive—and at what times—to avoid road conditions that may result in a motorcycle accident. Certain roadways in Hudson pose a danger to motorcyclists, whether due to defective design, traffic congestion, or weather conditions.
Some of the city’s most dangerous intersections include:
- Highway 35 at Hanley Road
- 2nd Street at Vine Street
- Carmichael Road at Hanley Road
How Are Hudson Motorcycle Accidents Caused?
As with any other type of traffic-related accident, human error and risky driving behaviors, such as speeding or alcohol impairment, can cause motorcycle accidents.
Other factors that relate to the design of a motorcycle accident include:
- Reduced visibility: Motorcycles are hard for other drivers to see, even in daylight, due to a condition known as inattentional blindness. Inattentional blindness has to do with how an individual’s brain processes information and prioritizes it based on which obstacle presents the highest risk. The brain will see and recognize a larger vehicle as a hazard, but will not perceive the motorcycle.
- Reduced stability: Motorcycles travel on two wheels rather than four. Having fewer wheels impacts the vehicle’s maneuverability, particularly on damaged or debris-covered roadways or in emergency driving situations.
Hudson Motorcycle Accident Injuries Can Derail Your Life
Another structural issue with motorcycles that can result in serious injury or death is a complete lack of protection from the elements in an accident. Motorcycles do not have the protective features of other vehicles, such as a steel frame, airbags, or seat belts. This means that ejection from the vehicle is likely during an accident. Motorcycle accident injuries are often among the most serious injuries one can endure due to this lack of protection and ejection from the vehicle.
Some common injuries to be suffered in a motorcycle accident include:
- Traumatic brain injuries and/or spinal cord injuries. The brain and spinal cord make up the body’s central nervous system and, between the two organs, control the body’s sensation, function, and involuntary responses. Unfortunately, for all of the importance of the brain and the spinal cord, neither organ is particularly adept at recovering from injury, meaning that the damage incurred by the injury is likely permanent. This affects every facet of the individual’s life, including their ability to complete personal care tasks and live independently, earn an income, and enjoy activities with family and friends.
- Bone fractures. Because ejection is so common in a motorcycle accident, nearly every bone in the body is at risk of being broken. Common bone fractures include those to the arms and wrists due to the body’s instinctive response to catch itself with extended arms when falling. Lower extremity bone fractures also occur frequently in motorcycle accidents due to striking a vehicle, the roadway, or other object, or getting caught between the motorcycle and the roadway.
- Internal organ damage. The body’s skeletal system does an adequate job of protecting the internal organs in normal situations. Unfortunately, the skeletal system is often no match for the force of a collision that can propel the rider into the air and cause him or her to collide with vehicles and other obstacles.
- Road rash. Road rash is a term used to describe a serious abrasion caused when the rider’s skin makes contact with the roadway or other rough surfaces. It is also one of the most common injuries to be suffered in a motorcycle crash. Road rash is often treated simply through thorough cleaning and dressing of the wound, though more serious cases and those involving sensitive areas of the body such as the face, genitals, hands, or feet can require more extensive medical treatment. The injury has the potential to produce scarring or even life-threatening infections.
Frequently Asked Questions About Hudson Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents can have profound financial and emotional impacts, and—while no amount of money can ever completely compensate one for the pain and suffering a life-changing injury can cause—the motorcycle accident injury claims process provides an avenue for injured individuals to obtain the compensation they deserve.
Unfortunately, this process creates a lot of confusion. To alleviate that confusion, we have provided the answers to some of the questions our Hudson motorcycle accident clients ask us most often about recovering damages after a motorcycle accident.
When is a Hudson motorcycle accident injury lawsuit the right option to pursue compensation?
A motorcycle accident claim or lawsuit tries to prove that someone else caused the accident and show the expenses and impacts you incurred because of your injury. If your accident resulted from someone else’s careless and reckless actions, and the at-fault party had insurance, this is likely how you will obtain compensation for your injuries.
How long do I have to file a lawsuit regarding my Hudson motorcycle accident?
In Wisconsin, the statute of limitations for motorcycle accident injury lawsuits is three years from the date on which the accident occurred.
What damages are available in a Hudson motorcycle accident case?
The term “damage” refers to a payment made in compensation for harm. Economic damages are payments made for the expenses you incurred from your injury. Non-economic damages are compensation for the impacts that your injury had on your quality of life.
Some examples of the expenses commonly included in motorcycle accident damage claims include:
- Medical expenses, such as emergency treatment, diagnostic testing, surgical and physician services, hospitalization, prescription medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. You may also include expenses from assistive devices such as prosthetic limbs, crutches, or a wheelchair.
- The cost of repairing or replacing property damaged in the accident, such as your motorcycle, helmet, and other gear.
Quality-of-life impacts in non-economic damage claims may include:
- Physical pain and suffering.
- Emotional distress.
- Loss of the enjoyment of life, if your injury results in the inability to participate in activities that you previously enjoyed.
- Loss of consortium, which is a damage claimed on behalf of the injured person’s spouse for the loss of physical intimacy and companionship that often accompanies serious injuries.
What is the average settlement in a Hudson motorcycle accident case?
Because each case is valued on unique factors, including the actual expenses incurred and the severity of the injury, there really is no “average” settlement in a motorcycle accident case.
Several factors can affect the value of your case:
- The amount of insurance the at-fault party has. Insurance pays the vast majority of motorcycle accident injury lawsuits. It is possible to sue an uninsured person and even obtain a judgment in your favor. However, collecting on that judgment will likely prove difficult, as most people do not have the money to pay for someone else’s motorcycle accident injury.
- Where you are in life when the accident occurred. Many of the damage categories involve the loss of wages and the loss of the ability to earn an income in the future due to disabilities caused by the accident. These damages will likely be higher for individuals who are in the middle of a career in which they are earning a higher wage than a young person who has not yet begun to climb the wage ladder or an older person who is retired and no longer earns an income.
- The clarity of liability. Motorcycle accidents aren’t always so black and white as to feature only one liable party and one injured victim. Many times, multiple parties bear liability—commercial drivers, businesses, or even governments could share liability for your injuries, depending on the facts of the case.
- Your patience. Motorcycle accident lawsuits can take a while to resolve. Insurance companies bank on the bad reputation of motorcycles to convince victims that they don't deserve as much compensation as they would if their injuries came from a different type of accident. They will also delay the payout or avoid a large payout. Your attorney knows these tactics and how to counter them while continuing to negotiate a settlement on your behalf. Often, the best settlement offer isn’t made until just before the trial begins or even after it has begun but before a decision is reached. Patient clients wait for that offer.
Why do I need a Hudson motorcycle accident attorney from Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers? Wouldn’t it be easier to just deal with the insurance company directly?
As mentioned, insurance companies have tactics they use to avoid paying out a fair amount of compensation to individuals who have been injured by their insured. While an attorney has the experience and knowledge of the legal process to counter those tactics, the insurance companies are banking on the notion that the average motorcycle accident victim does not. One of the most important things an experienced Hudson motorcycle accident lawyer can provide for you is experience and knowledge of the process.
We can provide other services for you that you cannot effectively do on your own, including:
- A valuation of your case.
- A determination of all liable parties and all insurance resources that can be used to compensate you.
- Timely filing of all court-required paperwork in the proper jurisdiction, and attendance on your behalf at all pre-trial conferences and hearings.
- The collection and organization of evidence and testimony that will be used to make your case.
- Negotiation with the at-fault party’s insurance company in an attempt to obtain a fair offer.
- Litigation.
- Assistance collecting your settlement or award.
Let us use our wisdom and experience to help you obtain the compensation you deserve. For a free case evaluation with an experienced Hudson motorcycle accident attorney from Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers , contact us online or by calling (715) 377-2141.
Injured? Get Nicolet.
Nicolet Law Accident & Injury Lawyers
Address: 517 2nd St Unit #205,Hudson, WI 54016
Phone: 1-855-642-6538